Beximco, VisionSpring tie up

Date: March 3, 2020

Source: The Daily Independent


Beximco and VisionSpring Bangladesh committed yesterday at the Beximco Apparel Limited in Beximco Industrial Park Gazipur to bring the wonder of clear vision for the factory workers and employees by creating easy access to vision screening camps and providing eyeglasses to those who needed them.

Beximco and VisionSpring became partners to provide eye screening and eyeglasses for their apparel workers, a press statement said yesterday.

Beximco, which operates one of the largest integrated textile production businesses in Asia, has invested in the welfare of its employees by providing eye screening and eyeglasses.

Syed Naved Husain, group director and CEO of Beximco, and his team hosted key dignitaries from VisionSpring week - Reade Fahs, chairman, Jordan Kassalow, founder, Ella Gudwin, CEO, Judith Aidoo-Saltus, board member, Rahul N Saxena, board member, Kevin Hassey, board member and others at a ceremony yesterday.

VisionSpring is the international social enterprise accelerating the uptake of affordable eyewear among people in emerging and frontier markets. VisionSpring, through its Clear Vision Workplace (CVW) program, with support from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and leading global brands, brings vision screening teams and eyeglasses to workers in


“I was always afraid that due to blurred vision I may lose my job,” confides Hafiza, a sewing machine operator at a garment factory in Bangladesh. Hafiza is not alone in her struggle to work with blurry vision.

Just when skilled workers are peaking in their abilities – be they artisans, tailors, mechanics, or farmers – age-related blurry vision jeopardizes their livelihoods and income. Now in her VisionSpring glasses, Hafiza shares, “I used to produce 140-150 pieces and now I can produce 160 -165 pieces in a day. I no longer fear I will lose my job.”

Glasses help workers maintain productivity, extend their working years, and continue to care for their families. Of course, the benefits of clear vision extend well beyond work. People with eyeglasses have reported meaningful changes in quality of life and their ability to complete daily activities; from reading newspapers, holy books and text messages, to sorting stones and pests out of rice and helping children with homework.